Églantine: Château Bedroom
Églantine: Rooftop
Églantine: drummer
Églantine: stained glass at Bunratty Castle, Ireland
Églantine: The Great Hall
Églantine: another leuchterweibchen at Bunratty Castle, Ireland
Églantine: leuchterweibchen
Églantine: Earl's Kitchen
Églantine: fireplace with turtle shells and pewter plates
Églantine: One of the three great halls at Bunratty Castle
Églantine: unknown rider
Églantine: Bunratty Castle
Églantine: Gun, detail
Églantine: Door Lock
Églantine: Bunratty Castle_A Window on the Past
Églantine: an Irish castle, en route
Églantine: stone steps
Églantine: ancient stone arch bridge
Églantine: Glengarriff Nature Reserve
Églantine: Why Is this Buddha Laughing?
Églantine: exploring Ireland on our own
Églantine: up the road from where we stayed
Églantine: country roads
Églantine: Walking in Dublin
Églantine: driving in Ireland
Églantine: Riding the Irish Rails and Getting a Glimpse
Églantine: Walking in Dublin
Églantine: Beach Walk Find
Églantine: tree with twisted branches
Églantine: Irish Beer