Églantine: Year End
Églantine: Home-Made Rainbow
Églantine: long necklace
Églantine: Pareidolia
Églantine: dans le labyrinthe, vendredi, le 7 octobre, 2016
Églantine: What Do You See, Realizing That We All See Something Different?
Églantine: from a different perspective_5069
Églantine: bouquet indoors a few hours later_4936
Églantine: bouquet de notre jardin_4931
Églantine: Playing Hide and Seek
Églantine: Peep wonders when it's going to be National Goose Day
Églantine: Angel Within
Églantine: "back to the garden" Joni Mitchell
Églantine: Inside the Flowery Maze
Églantine: Sometimes you have to stop dancing, and start working.
Églantine: Another Visitor to Cup Plants
Églantine: Il a plu, et il pleut encore!
Églantine: Need I Say Our Dog Sadie Doesn't Like Thunder Storms?
Églantine: How Do You Like Your Summer?
Églantine: Meet our rooster and one of our hens
Églantine: Who Took the Feather from the Feather Sculpture?
Églantine: Sadie
Églantine: Chatte, sur son dos, s'étirant
Églantine: Cocotte, with view of belly
Églantine: Cocotte, vue de dos
Églantine: Plastic, Wool, Wood (& Light)
Églantine: a few minutes on the east verandah_having coffee_before we are both off doing our thing
Églantine: pair of teacups
Églantine: I Like to Take Naps
Églantine: Do you know Jill in the Pulpit?