Églantine: wabi sabi
Églantine: wabi sabi
Églantine: Variations on Red
Églantine: Reconnaissance
Églantine: Joie de vivre I
Églantine: essai_3063
Églantine: colour experiment_2839
Églantine: Study_0918
Églantine: Mylar, Light, etc
Églantine: Fleurie
Églantine: Charlie's Favourite
Églantine: Fleur-Ange's felt, Terre du trille rouge
Églantine: Anne's Only Regret
Églantine: Suture continue_photo Ellen Jaffe_2016
Églantine: Peace on Earth
Églantine: we@YOUme_2015
Églantine: M. Fleur-Ange Lamothe, Couveuse/ Portal to a New World, detail, 2014, mixed media on linen and cotton from installation Dress Code / code vestimentaire
Églantine: Culture
Églantine: photography
Églantine: Qui aurait cru qu’un jour, j’hériterais du meilleur habit de Samuel de Champlain?
Églantine: Who would have believed that I, Marin Boucher, would one day inherit sieur de Champlain's best suit?
Églantine: The Protector of Children
Églantine: 3 of 4 drawings with small photographs at Burlington Art Centre
Églantine: Still from my video, "What Happened to Abigail Nims?"
Églantine: she carries water
Églantine: copyright 2013 @ M. Fleur-Ange Lamothe
Églantine: What Happened to Abigail?
Églantine: A Line Went Walking
Églantine: What Is Photography? Can you believe a photo?
Églantine: 2 anciennes employEes du moulin