Eggii: ***
Eggii: The sounds of nature
Eggii: lupine
Eggii: The moment you change your perception...
Eggii: …at night, black and white version
Eggii: cinema
Eggii: urban settings...
Eggii: A Tribute to Vangelis (1943-2022)
Eggii: in different dimensions
Eggii: woman
Eggii: bokeh chaos
Eggii: Abstract macro
Eggii: spring
Eggii: ***
Eggii: ***
Eggii: ***
Eggii: poppy in B&W
Eggii: ***
Eggii: ***
Eggii: ***
Eggii: ***
Eggii: just poppy....
Eggii: ***
Eggii: dandelion...
Eggii: ***
Eggii: and that smell ...
Eggii: Good Afternoon Macro Monday:-)))
Eggii: Good Morning Macro Monday :-))
Eggii: ... between, in reflections
Eggii: time..