Eggii: Abstract macro
Eggii: ***
Eggii: at the sunset
Eggii: :-)))
Eggii: my sweetness in B&W
Eggii: well... :-)) my little tiger :-)))
Eggii: November
Eggii: eye...♥
Eggii: macro red
Eggii: Macro Mondays- Textures
Eggii: Macro Monday
Eggii: Rose droplets
Eggii: when the field sparkles with the morning dew....
Eggii: ***
Eggii: pink...
Eggii: Drops for Macro Monday
Eggii: Macro Mondays - for the theme Poisonous
Eggii: Crazy days..
Eggii: Colors are the smiles of nature... - by Leigh Hunt
Eggii: macro tulip
Eggii: eye(s) for "Macro Mondays"
Eggii: eye...
Eggii: about books...
Eggii: Maniek - My furry sweetness:-))
Eggii: motion blur for Macro Monday :-)))
Eggii: just still life :-)) Happy evening my friends:-*))
Eggii: Seeds for my Soul for Macro Monday :-)
Eggii: Danbo and music "Far Beyond the Stars"
Eggii: glaze eye for Macro Monday
Eggii: shadows....