Eggii: a sweet car :-))
Eggii: in magical ball - Stuttgart
Eggii: smooth
Eggii: rain...
Eggii: ***
Eggii: time to relax
Eggii: about books...
Eggii: ♥♥♥ my big love for books
Eggii: Nightlife ....
Eggii: I would touch a familiar book and draw its fragrance deep inside me....
Eggii: ♥♥♥ - together....
Eggii: preparing shipments..
Eggii: Street : vintage mood
Eggii: "...So long ago....
Eggii: The thoughts, the hopes, the dreams...
Eggii: lazy afternoon
Eggii: ♥Happy weekend my friends:-****
Eggii: streetlife..