Eggii: love for bokeh:-)
Eggii: Exhibition
Eggii: perspectives
Eggii: "limitations "- ceiling
Eggii: " Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage..." - by Anais Nin
Eggii: when is a very hot evening in September ( part II )
Eggii: when is a very hot evening in September
Eggii: ... I saw you this morning. You were moving so fast...." - By Leonard Cohen
Eggii: lines ...
Eggii: playing with light ...
Eggii: looking out...
Eggii: in a hurry...
Eggii: the answer ....the kind of art :-))
Eggii: HFF:-)
Eggii: B&W
Eggii: ***
Eggii: between the lines - HFF :-))
Eggii: ... a shopping center...
Eggii: “....It's amazing how a little tomorrow can make up for a whole lot of yesterday....” ― John Guare
Eggii: colors of my city....
Eggii: day 58- project 365- Everyday life...
Eggii: B&W
Eggii: rainy evening...
Eggii: Happy Bench Monday...
Eggii: dancing water...
Eggii: ***
Eggii: day 14- project 365 - light and shadow...
Eggii: ".... Photography, as a powerful medium of expression and communications, offers an infinite variety of perception, interpretation and execution....." - by Ansel Adams
Eggii: Manufaktura - Lodz and again HBM :-))) B&W
Eggii: good night my friends:-)))