Eggii: street lamps...
Eggii: Happy Bench Monday :- ) - somewhere...
Eggii: "Photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place. I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and every thing to do with the way you see them.” - Elliot Erwitt
Eggii: day 18- project 365 - Red - passionate experience fullness, fullness of life, fullness of joy,emotions, feelings .... and much more....
Eggii: bench.....
Eggii: day 17- projcet 365- and thought for today - “So many books, so little time.” ― Frank Zappa
Eggii: day 16- project 365 - Good afternoon my friends;)))
Eggii: HFF :-))
Eggii: a lost...
Eggii: day 14- project 365 - light and shadow...
Eggii: a walk.....
Eggii: below...
Eggii: day 12 - project 365 -simplicity and minimalism in B & W and ...How heavy is your glass of water?
Eggii: HBM in B& W :-))
Eggii: Happy Bench Monday
Eggii: day 13- project 365 - feather
Eggii: day 11 - project 365 - "The Big Blue"
Eggii: orange dreams
Eggii: ***
Eggii: day 10- project 365 - macro red
Eggii: me and monochrome mood
Eggii: ***
Eggii: bokeh macro
Eggii: macro cat...
Eggii: ***
Eggii: day 8- project 365 ... love for bokeh and coffee
Eggii: day 7- project 365- a very busy & hard day
Eggii: ...behind
Eggii: love for bokeh....
Eggii: mood - the capture from my mobile phone.... and processed in the instagram application