Joel Robison: Sending postcards to himself saying 'Wish you were here' so when he gets back home he doesn't forget
Joel Robison: It's the end - Say Cheese!
*omnia*: tibouchina
meems2006: babyatbeach
meems2006: lil' snoozer
anne(♥)marie: silly love songs
borealnz: Once in a blue moon
bitmapr: suspended on fog
bitmapr: green is dead. mondrian killed it.
8 SίMpLe RuLeS *Enjoying Mommyhood :)*: If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is ‘thank you’, it will be enough.
8 SίMpLe RuLeS *Enjoying Mommyhood :)*: Some leftovers from Valentine's :)
8 SίMpLe RuLeS *Enjoying Mommyhood :)*: The greatest part of our happiness depends on our dispositions, not our circumstances~
weisan: 格子窗(工寓)
RaneHwa: DSC_0208
8 SίMpLe RuLeS *Enjoying Mommyhood :)*: I'm barely balancing as it is while the wind is blowing and I don’t want to drown in my dreams.
8 SίMpLe RuLeS *Enjoying Mommyhood :)*: Love the heart that hurts you but never hurt the heart that loves you.
maa91503xx: P1040779
NFman: 2004 Transmigration
NFman: Robot-TV commercial-STILL-color correction