egevad, per:
English spoken group
egevad, per:
Big new book sorter
egevad, per:
Searching for music
egevad, per:
Entertainment area
egevad, per:
Empty space
egevad, per:
Only for staff
egevad, per:
Working visiters
egevad, per:
Time table
egevad, per:
Music lovers
egevad, per:
Music public
egevad, per:
BIT- singer
egevad, per:
Guitarr hero
egevad, per:
Base man
egevad, per:
Anna and the base
egevad, per:
tamburine and guitarr ladies
egevad, per:
egevad, per:
Last day group photo
egevad, per:
Library tour in its start
egevad, per:
To see whats round the corner
egevad, per:
In the computer teaching room
egevad, per:
Between the reading and quiet room
egevad, per:
Knock knock
egevad, per:
swagger's Corner
egevad, per:
In our staff area.
egevad, per:
Printing room
egevad, per:
Time for some rest...
egevad, per:
Preparation for Copenhagen visit.
egevad, per:
Copenhagen tour by boat
egevad, per:
The water is wating for us
egevad, per:
Glimt of Christiania