if time exists: James watching baseball
if time exists: Canon Whiskey and Bitters Emporium
if time exists: Drinks at Canon
if time exists: Cocktails at Canon
if time exists: Storyville Coffee
if time exists: Storyville Coffee
if time exists: Storyville Coffee
if time exists: A's pitching staff warming up
if time exists: A's pitching staff warmups
if time exists: Bartolo on the field
if time exists: Pitching staff warmups
if time exists: Sonny Gray warming up
if time exists: A's bullpen before the game
if time exists: Reddick at bat
if time exists: James watching the game
if time exists: Moose dance break
if time exists: Bat sculpture
if time exists: Dinner at Cure
if time exists: Dinner at Cure
if time exists: Bergen Place
if time exists: Bergen Place
if time exists: Bergen Place
if time exists: James at Flying Squirrel Pizza
if time exists: Flying Squirrel Pizza
if time exists: Dover Tea at Tavern Law
if time exists: James at the waterfront