if time exists: totally worth it
if time exists: delicious mocha
if time exists: underground cafe
if time exists: snootiest cafe EVER
if time exists: london heathrow cafe nero
if time exists: cafe dishcloth
if time exists: blue bottle at the ferry building
if time exists: blue bottle macchiato
if time exists: ravelry caffeine swap goodies
if time exists: blurry macchiato
if time exists: rancilio rocky
if time exists: the set up
if time exists: pulling a shot
if time exists: taking notes
if time exists: ghetto heart
if time exists: zocolo coffee
if time exists: zocolo coffee
if time exists: the parts
if time exists: coffee and grinder
if time exists: weigh the coffee
if time exists: it doesn't look like much...
if time exists: securing the filter
if time exists: add the coffee
if time exists: water and heat
if time exists: put them together
if time exists: rising water
if time exists: mid-brew
if time exists: remove the heat
if time exists: still falling...