egcc: SP-AOU - 1975 build Antonov An-2PF, receiving some TLC during down time
egcc: SP-FZY - 1981 build Cessna 152, hangered at Częstochowa-Rudniki
egcc: SP-APS - Moravan Zlin Z-242L, hangered at Częstochowa-Rudniki
egcc: SP-ATM - Moravan Zlin Z-142, hangered at Częstochowa-Rudniki
egcc: SP-AHM - 1988 build PZL-Okecie PZL-104 35A Wilga, hangered at Częstochowa-Rudniki
egcc: SP-CHC - PZL-Okecie PZL-101A Gawron, hangered at Częstochowa-Rudniki
egcc: SP-YCD - Vans RV-7A, hangered at Częstochowa-Rudniki
egcc: SP-GSI - 1999 build Robinson R44 Astro, airframe exported to the USA just a few months later as N393NM
egcc: SP-ASD - 2003 build Cessna 172S Skyhawk SP, exported to Czech Republic in 2016 as OK-ELU
egcc: local Aeroklub runaround at Częstochowa-Rudniki
egcc: SP-YRV - Vans RV-10, since re-registered as SP-YPP & later SP-YFP