efsb: Tate Britain
efsb: Tate Britain
efsb: Near the Thames
efsb: Westminster
efsb: Parliament Square
efsb: Parliament Square
efsb: Westminster Abbey
efsb: Borough Market
efsb: Borough Market
efsb: London
efsb: The Eye of Sauron
efsb: Borough Market
efsb: Brick Lane
efsb: Brick Lane
efsb: Old Street
efsb: Elite (?) Cafe
efsb: High Rise
efsb: National Portrait Gallery
efsb: National Portrait Gallery
efsb: National Portrait Gallery
efsb: Britain Today
efsb: Flared
efsb: Charing CRoss Road
efsb: Bookshop Charing Cross Road
efsb: More Pret
efsb: The Inattentive Photographer
efsb: Foyle's
efsb: Seeking Direction
efsb: Regent Sounds
efsb: Decaying