Effunia: Our Christmas pile
Effunia: Oh herro
Effunia: Gift from my mom to Chris
Effunia: Opening gifts
Effunia: Why so serious?
Effunia: I can't hear you
Effunia: Wow, what a big mouth you have
Effunia: a new face
Effunia: Chris picking his cast nose
Effunia: Chris happy about the eye
Effunia: Chris and his eye
Effunia: Cast drawing models
Effunia: Chris getting an Xbox 360 Elite
Effunia: Chris with his copy of GTA
Effunia: Choco & Minty bees
Effunia: Choco & Minty as Bees!!!
Effunia: Kathy Olivias toys
Effunia: Craft bucket
Effunia: some Mickey earrings
Effunia: getting a glass hedgehog
Effunia: Yawning
Effunia: Opening up one of her advent calendar presents 02
Effunia: Opening up one of her advent calendar presents
Effunia: Karolin and Panda
Effunia: Sushi wrap
Effunia: Japanese Kinderegg
Effunia: Japanese Chocolate Lollipops
Effunia: Pocky Sticks
Effunia: Japanese Candy 02
Effunia: Japanese Sushi wrap for Bento Box