Renato Pizzutti: Mareggiata, Sestri Levante...
40.7: GFX100S 45/100
makke.funriders: Good Morning
talourcera: Destiny: Paradise
christianeleouet1: I'm singing and dancing in the rain
miketabak: Snow Bunting
jean-claude DEVAUX: Rouge-gorge familier - Erithacus rubecula
ChrisDeno92: 119689 Parc de Sceaux Pinson des arbres juvénile
JLS@Photos: Western Great Egret (smoothing its feathers), Grande Aigrette (lissant ses plumes)
Ian Galt: stonechat
Bernard Fabbro: pic vert ♀ / green woodpecker 24M_9668
belas62: Sturnus vulgaris, Ψαρόνια, Common Starling
robin denton: Great crested grebe
RogerioPCRodrigues: Luscinia svecica | Bluethroat | Pisco Peito Azul
davidlawrence15: What makes you think I s#it on here all the time!,
ZOly.: Nature's Forecast
Alberto Guillen1: Autumn Tapestry
pixelia2: Sensation hivernale.
pierre pesant: CHOUETTE RAYÉE / BARRED OWL (Strix varia)
Wild Pixel Safaris: The Exquisite Lilac Beauty!
ChicagoBob46: The days can just be a blur during the rut
deerphillucas: Bearded Reedling, Male, Panurus biarmicus
Jicé 62: Brume matinale !
Norbert Kaiser: am Wegesrand
mrBunin: Morning path...
jigsnacho: Petirrojo
holdinghausenm: At Lake Ammersee