efairhurst: Stuck between a Rock and a Hard Place...
efairhurst: Forever in Blue Jeans
efairhurst: Mr. Crabby
efairhurst: When Predator's Attack
efairhurst: Dog Dreams
efairhurst: Great Blue Heron
efairhurst: I'm ready to play when you are....
efairhurst: Blue Heron
efairhurst: vy frisbee
efairhurst: Crocky
efairhurst: Crocodile
efairhurst: Snowy Egret
efairhurst: Sometimes, frogs are the best meditators...
efairhurst: Blue Dragonfly on Green
efairhurst: Mom, Dad and the Wasp Kids
efairhurst: Bee's Knees
efairhurst: Equus
efairhurst: All right Mr. De Mille, I'm ready for my close-up - just as soon as I shake this water off my head.....
efairhurst: Sssss
efairhurst: Pink Ladies
efairhurst: I spy with my little parietal eye
efairhurst: Baa Ram Ewe
efairhurst: Nap Time
efairhurst: Missing Summer
efairhurst: Hummingbird
efairhurst: Kissing Scarlet Macaws
efairhurst: Blue and Yellow Macaw