eekim: "Don't Think Too Long In Here"
eekim: "Don't Think Too Long In Here Either"
eekim: "It's Not Heavy!"
eekim: "The perfect system can handle neglect but responds to love"
eekim: Rebecca's Photo Shoot
eekim: Kristin's Photo Shoot
eekim: Kaelan
eekim: Kaelan Triumphant
eekim: Walking to Outdoor Location
eekim: Balance Beam
eekim: Walking to Outdoor Location
eekim: Rebecca and Kaelan
eekim: Too Cool for School
eekim: Playing at Fort Mason
eekim: Peeking Through the Telescope
eekim: Peeking Through the Telescope
eekim: Alex and Kaelan
eekim: Betty, Rebecca, Kristin