eekaroo: looking for my toes
eekaroo: while being serenaded by daddy
eekaroo: the hat
eekaroo: mid massage
eekaroo: Massage
eekaroo: Waiting
eekaroo: what else you got?
eekaroo: big girl
eekaroo: Eating and teething and teeth!
eekaroo: Fun with Bryan
eekaroo: Fun with Bryan
eekaroo: Green Poncho, Hidden Sadie
eekaroo: Ready to eat ...
eekaroo: Casual dining
eekaroo: tuckered
eekaroo: with sheila
eekaroo: lookin tough
eekaroo: the shirt
eekaroo: hello.
eekaroo: thinking
eekaroo: fancy new bib
eekaroo: the tipping point
eekaroo: chomp!
eekaroo: babies holding cigars are hilarious
eekaroo: almost!
eekaroo: 5 months!
eekaroo: someone's rolling over