eeems: Looking north from the Manhattan Bridge bike path
eeems: Looking east on Houston Street at Eldridge
eeems: Looking west on Houston Street at Eldridge
eeems: Looking northwest from the Manhattan Bridge bike path
eeems: 1st Avenue, East Village
eeems: 1st Avenue, East Village
eeems: Food cart on 1st Avenue near 23rd street
eeems: 34th Street
eeems: 1st Avenue near 34th street
eeems: SoPo / NoPo - 36th Street just west of 1st Avenue
eeems: Madison Square
eeems: Union Square
eeems: Prince Street east of Broadway
eeems: Looking north over Chinatown from the Manhattan Bridge bike path
eeems: Looking northwest over Chinatown from the Manhattan Bridge bike path