Liz Lapp 2005: Washington Monument in the center of the National Mall.
Liz Lapp 2005: Vietnam Memorial, left to right.
Liz Lapp 2005: Speaker at Vietnam War Memorial.
Liz Lapp 2005: Vietnam Memorial, right to left.
Liz Lapp 2005: Washington Memorial and Reflection Pool.
Liz Lapp 2005: Honest Abe Lincoln
Liz Lapp 2005: Lincoln in Lincoln Memorial.
Liz Lapp 2005: Washington Monument.
Liz Lapp 2005: National Mall path.
Liz Lapp 2005: Lincoln Memorial
Liz Lapp 2005: Stars, close up.
Liz Lapp 2005: World War II monument, Stars.
Liz Lapp 2005: World War II Memorial
Liz Lapp 2005: WW II memorial/Washington Monument/Flag.
Liz Lapp 2005: The White House from the National Mall.
Liz Lapp 2005: House, Roy Lichtenstein.
Liz Lapp 2005: House, Roy Lichtenstein plaque.
Liz Lapp 2005: Steve likes the stroke.
Liz Lapp 2005: Steve & Lichtenstein.
Liz Lapp 2005: Roy Lichtenstein brushstroke sculpture.
Liz Lapp 2005: Collage art.
Liz Lapp 2005: Reflective Glass Strips
Liz Lapp 2005: I am reflected.
Liz Lapp 2005: Hangers sculpture
Liz Lapp 2005: Modern Portrait at the Hirshhorn.
Liz Lapp 2005: Modern portraits at Hirshhorn.
Liz Lapp 2005: Couples by Amy Sillman
Liz Lapp 2005: Amy Sillman Exhibit entrance.
Liz Lapp 2005: Couples Table of Contents.
Liz Lapp 2005: Pendour. Barbera Hepworth, Artist.