DRS37059: DSC_1516
DRS37059: DSC_1514
DRS37059: DSC_1509
DRS37059: Railpool 186453 with an Intermodal Westbound through Köln West
DRS37059: Rhein Cargo 271041 works this Loaded Car train Eastbound through Köln West
DRS37059: Rhein Cargo 272024 with an Intermodal Eastbound through Köln West
DRS37059: ELL 193727 works this Intermodal Westbound through Köln West
DRS37059: Dispolc 189205 with this Intermodal Westbound through Köln West
DRS37059: 185220 + 185351 Hopper Wagons Eastbound through Köln West
DRS37059: Railpool 186421 with an Intermodal Eastbound through Köln West
DRS37059: Rhein Cargo 272012 with Tanks Westbound through Köln West
DRS37059: hein Cargo 272023 with Hopper Wagons Eastbound through Köln West
DRS37059: Railpool/ retrack 193825 works this Intermodal Eastbound through Köln West
DRS37059: Rhein Cargo 271038 with Cargowagons Eastbound through Köln West
DRS37059: Rhein Cargo 272013 hauls Waste Tanks Eastbound through Köln West
DRS37059: Railpool 155097 + 155099 take a rake of Cargowagons Eastbound through Köln West
DRS37059: Chemion 275004 hauls Tanks Eastbound through Köln West
DRS37059: Railpool 151059 + 151160 haul Empty Steel Carriers Westbound through Köln West
DRS37059: Rhein Cargo 146086 Köln West
DRS37059: 185227 works this Steel train Eastbound through Köln West
DRS37059: 185299 on Cargowagons Westbound through Köln West
DRS37059: 189048 hauls Steel Carriers Eastbound through Köln West
DRS37059: R hein Cargo 185582 LE Eastbound through Köln West
DRS37059: Railpool 186110 works this Intermodal Eastbound through Köln West
DRS37059: DSC_1443
DRS37059: DSC_1442
DRS37059: DSC_1440
DRS37059: MRCE pair 182525 + 182527 Coal Eastbound through Köln Süd
DRS37059: NorthRail 261300 hauls a couple of tanks Westbound through Köln Süd
DRS37059: 185070 works an Intermodal Westbound through Köln Süd