Edward Watson:
Edward Watson:
Highgate night light
Edward Watson:
Alex the fireman
Edward Watson:
Mirror restaurant
Edward Watson:
The birch
Edward Watson:
Saxophone keys
Edward Watson:
Dan, Kairos eat sandwiches with dog
Edward Watson:
Kairos and Dan
Edward Watson:
View and plant
Edward Watson:
Alice and Oliver
Edward Watson:
Morning walk to the tube station
Edward Watson:
Street lights
Edward Watson:
Under the Road
Edward Watson:
Scottish sunset
Edward Watson:
Throwing stones
Edward Watson:
Ferry terminal Kennacraig
Edward Watson:
Edward Watson:
pasta left on hob
Edward Watson:
Mist over Italian hills
Edward Watson:
Plane wing and engine
Edward Watson:
Ghost Plant
Edward Watson:
Hyde Park Sky
Edward Watson:
Chalkster aka Culprit
Edward Watson:
The Three Clowns
Edward Watson:
Edward Watson:
Andy C
Edward Watson:
Rory and OB after Olivias
Edward Watson:
Rory grabs a bite to eat
Edward Watson:
Edward Watson:
Tom, Tom and Sam at water's edge