edward.evans: Peruvian shield mantis (Choeradodis rhombicollis)
edward.evans: Red grasshawk dragonfly (Neurothemis fluctuans)
edward.evans: Cryptic juvenile katydid (Tettigoniidae)
edward.evans: Small green-banded blue butterflies (Psychonotis caelius) mating
edward.evans: A caterpillar, heavily armed with venomous spines
edward.evans: Jewel scarab beetle (Chrysina cusuquensis)
edward.evans: Dragonfly (Trithemis sp.?)
edward.evans: Largest moth in the world - White witch (Thysania agrippina)
edward.evans: Glassy tiger butterfly (Parantica aglea)
edward.evans: Rhinoceros katydid (Copiphora rhinoceros)
edward.evans: Strange katydid mimicking a half living/half dead leaf (Typophyllum sp.?)
edward.evans: Scarab beetle (Platycoelia humeralis)
edward.evans: Cryptic juvenile katydid
edward.evans: Unidentified praying mantis
edward.evans: Iridescent damselfly (Vestalis sp.)
edward.evans: Spectacular jewel scarab beetle (Chrysina spectabilis)
edward.evans: Stick insect
edward.evans: Cicada molting
edward.evans: 88 butterfly (Diaethria clymena)
edward.evans: Huntsman spider (Sparassidae) eating a large moth
edward.evans: Mantis
edward.evans: Juvenile katydid (Tettigoniidae)
edward.evans: Sawflies - presumably a pair
edward.evans: Cicada
edward.evans: White dragontail butterfly (Lamproptera curius)
edward.evans: Spiny rainforest katydid (Phricta spinosa)
edward.evans: Unidentified dart butterfly (Potanthus sp.)
edward.evans: Painted grasshawk dragonfly (Neurothemis stigmatizans)
edward.evans: Juvenile mantis
edward.evans: Purple sapphire butterfly (Heliophorus epicles)