EdventureProject: Green touring
EdventureProject: Sometimes you just gotta push
EdventureProject: Post restante
EdventureProject: Central Train Station
EdventureProject: North Sea Route
EdventureProject: North Sea Route lighthouse
EdventureProject: Sometimes catching a train is just not that easy
EdventureProject: Got wheels?
EdventureProject: Out of Bamberg
EdventureProject: Free-camping
EdventureProject: Group touring
EdventureProject: Our camp overlooking the beginning of the protestant reformation
EdventureProject: Bicyclists at the Biergarten along the Elbe
EdventureProject: Entering the Czech Republik
EdventureProject: What a bike path!
EdventureProject: Yes, we're going through a corn field
EdventureProject: Bicycle touring doesn't always involve nice paths in Europe
EdventureProject: Riding from Cerna Hora to Brno
EdventureProject: A flower for mom, in her bike flower vase
EdventureProject: Camping south of Brno
EdventureProject: Entering Austria
EdventureProject: Time off the bikes
EdventureProject: Fossil-fuel free
EdventureProject: Donau Inselfest
EdventureProject: Post Bike
EdventureProject: Even off bikes, the kids ride bikes
EdventureProject: Grueling hills
EdventureProject: Down time
EdventureProject: Gabe, waiting and reading