www.edvanloon.nl: Small blue(CUPIDO MINIMUS), Germany
www.edvanloon.nl: Brown argus (ARICIA AGESTIS), Germany
www.edvanloon.nl: Sooty copper (LYCAENA TITYRUS), Germany
www.edvanloon.nl: Brown argus (ARICIA AGESTIS), Germany
www.edvanloon.nl: Scarce swallowtail (IPHICLIDES PODALIRIUS), Germany
www.edvanloon.nl: Wood white butterfly (LEPTIDEA SINAPIS), Germany
www.edvanloon.nl: Marsh fritillary (EUPHYDRYAS AURINIA), Germany
www.edvanloon.nl: Silver-studded blue (Plebejus argus), The Netherlands
www.edvanloon.nl: Silver-studded blue (Plebejus argus), The Netherlands
www.edvanloon.nl: The brown argus (ARICIA AGESTIS), the Netherlands
www.edvanloon.nl: The brown argus (ARICIA AGESTIS), the Netherlands