Ewan McIntosh: Congres Frans
Ewan McIntosh: Congres Frans begins
Ewan McIntosh: Learning to speak a language through actions
Ewan McIntosh: Learning to speak a language through actions
Ewan McIntosh: Learning to speak a language through actions
Ewan McIntosh: Some audience pics
Ewan McIntosh: Enjoying the talks
Ewan McIntosh: Learning 1.0?
Ewan McIntosh: Richard (TV5) and Ludivine (RFI)
Ewan McIntosh: Richard (TV5) and Ludivine (RFI)
Ewan McIntosh: High production values of RFI, French International Radio
Ewan McIntosh: High production values of RFI
Ewan McIntosh: Some of the winning talent from the competition
Ewan McIntosh: Some of the winning talent from the competition
Ewan McIntosh: Some of the winning talent from the competition
Ewan McIntosh: Some of the winning talent from the competition
Ewan McIntosh: Ways to learn and teach
Ewan McIntosh: Outils
Ewan McIntosh: London Underground
Ewan McIntosh: Japanese underground
Ewan McIntosh: London Underground - What we know
Ewan McIntosh: London Underground - what we (will) know
Ewan McIntosh: Telephone tree
Ewan McIntosh: Del.icio.us
Ewan McIntosh: Podcast - Demo
Ewan McIntosh: GoogleDocs
Ewan McIntosh: Bringing it all together