Cycles of Light:
Portia, a young female bear from Svalbard
Cycles of Light:
Reflection on the sea of light scattered by ice particles in the air
Cycles of Light:
Sailing in the Arctic
Cycles of Light:
Glacier wall at Billiefjorden
Cycles of Light:
The plunge
Cycles of Light:
Arctic Fulmars
Cycles of Light:
Arctic sandpiper
Cycles of Light:
Cycles of Light:
Snow Bunting getting through the weather at Vårsolbukta
Cycles of Light:
Baby Svalbard Reindeer
Cycles of Light:
Cycles of Light:
Cycles of Light:
Drift ice near Smeerenburg
Cycles of Light:
Approaching the pack ice at midnight
Cycles of Light:
Cycles of Light:
Portia smells food
Cycles of Light:
Eider Ducks
Cycles of Light:
Drift ice by Breibogen
Cycles of Light:
Cycles of Light:
Cycles of Light:
Walruses in Magdalenafjorden
Cycles of Light:
Walruses in Magdalenafjorden
Cycles of Light:
Walruses in Magdalenafjorden
Cycles of Light:
Glacier beach in Magdalenafjorden
Cycles of Light:
Cycles of Light:
Waters by Lilliehöökbreen
Cycles of Light:
Cycles of Light:
Scouting at Ossian Sarsfjellet
Cycles of Light:
Ship at Longyearbyen Harbour
Cycles of Light:
The Polar Pioneer