Panasonikon: Hello Friends
ntenny: pioneer trail 1 20240324
The Library of Congress: New Hampton Newspapers, 10 North Chestnut, New Hampton, Iowa (LOC)
ntenny: jst emerson dandelions 20130323
ntenny: tandem bergheils
artolsav: In the governor's chair
ntenny: jst emt atop slide
artolsav: 20181219_171344
artolsav: 20181027_094044~2
artolsav: 20180922_161814
artolsav: 20180810_144852~2
artolsav: 20170824_134411~2
artolsav: Exploring Reed Canyon
artolsav: Felix tee-ball -- The Volcanoes
artolsav: Felix at practice for the Volcanoes
artolsav: IMG_20151120_131133107_HDR
artolsav: DSC_0076
ntenny: honeybee resting
artolsav: Isaac knee deep in snow
ntenny: sixpence for the privilege of passing by the private road
ntenny: poway creeks - bette bendixen
ntenny: critical balancing
ntenny: lake road ir tunnel
ntenny: IMG_0139
artolsav: Felix in fall layers
artolsav: DSC_0085
artolsav: Isaac pumpkin
ntenny: pumpkin harvest
ntenny: upper canyon ir
ntenny: _MG_5194