edschonsett: 001 Doubletree Hotel Miami
edschonsett: 002 Doubletree Hotel Miami
edschonsett: 003 Bird by Doubletree Hotel Miami
edschonsett: 004 From Doubletree Hotel Miami
edschonsett: 005 Bird by Doubletree Hotel Miami
edschonsett: 007 Pool Doubletree Hotel Miami
edschonsett: 008 Karen on Delayed Plane
edschonsett: 009 Delayed Flight Miami
edschonsett: 010 Ed on Delayed Plane Miami
edschonsett: 011 From Hilton Colon in Guayaquil
edschonsett: 012 Hilton Colon Guayaquil
edschonsett: 013-015 Panorama
edschonsett: 013 Hilton Colon Guayaquil
edschonsett: 014 Hilton Colon Guayaquil
edschonsett: 015 Hilton Colon Guayaquil
edschonsett: 016 Hilton Colon Guayaquil
edschonsett: 017 Plane to Galapagos
edschonsett: 018 Guayaquil Airport
edschonsett: 019 Karen at Guayaquil Airport
edschonsett: 020 Map of Ecuador
edschonsett: 022 Plane In Guayaquil
edschonsett: 023 Plane In Guayaquil
edschonsett: 024 Guayaquil from Plane
edschonsett: 025 Guayaquil from Plane
edschonsett: 026 Baltra Airport Galapagos
edschonsett: 027 Baltra Airport Galapagos
edschonsett: 029 Sailboat in Baltra Harbor
edschonsett: 030 Ed & Karen on Zodiac
edschonsett: 031 MS Polaris
edschonsett: 032 Ship's Bar