Edrea: Palm
Edrea: 60 minutes podcast
Edrea: Theseus Chan
Edrea: Twitter in a twitch
Edrea: Helloooooo!
Edrea: T-Shirt Sweat
Edrea: Stone signage
Edrea: Valentines Day
Edrea: BAM!
Edrea: Huh?
Edrea: You're in America
Edrea: Nice hat Theo
Edrea: Glitch
Edrea: Louise Fili
Edrea: Glad to see some people actually care…
Edrea: My new desktop
Edrea: Chilly by the window
Edrea: T__ N__ ___k T____
Edrea: Why simon is a nerd and I am not.
Edrea: What the hell?
Edrea: From my work window
Edrea: On my way back to new york
Edrea: Vroom! On my way to the airport
Edrea: Simon's house
Edrea: Gas station near Simon's house
Edrea: The road
Edrea: More road
Edrea: Road again