Edrea: Bison Diarama
Edrea: The Hall of Biodiversity vs. Ed
Edrea: Exhibit Ed
Edrea: The Hall of Biodiversity
Edrea: Booga Booga
Edrea: The big guy
Edrea: A Fiji Mermaid
Edrea: Lock Jaw
Edrea: RAWR!
Edrea: When stuffed dinosaurs attack!
Edrea: What what!
Edrea: Bored Mattyu + Label Maker = Legend
Edrea: IMG_0244.JPG
Edrea: Blue Head for Ed
Edrea: Dinosauuuuuurs!
Edrea: Yay! Hall of Biodiversityyyyy!
Edrea: Lions and tigers and ______ Oh My!
Edrea: The Hall of Biodiversity
Edrea: New Aquisition
Edrea: Ed being cautious around his NY Enemy #1
Edrea: Red Hat on Mat