Edrea: Round 1. (theme was "Currency")
Edrea: The background
Edrea: Mate hearing he'd won.
Edrea: Woooooow! They offered free beer!
Edrea: Mate during finals
Edrea: 7:15
Edrea: Tattoo for the Finals
Edrea: Mate gets crowned.
Edrea: Saluting his court.
Edrea: Le host.
Edrea: Stars!
Edrea: Break and interviews with the Judges
Edrea: Dan Savage
Edrea: Whoa, more beeeeeer!
Edrea: Round 2, Theme: People Watching.
Edrea: Break and interviews with the Judges
Edrea: Mate Universe
Edrea: MATE YU
Edrea: Matt. Enjoying the show.
Edrea: The host: MC Ove… more like MC Suck!
Edrea: The Setup
Edrea: Oh wait, yeah it was Daily C. Crafton
Edrea: Or this.
Edrea: Waiting for the battles to start.
Edrea: Design: Dan Savage
Edrea: The Popular Vote
Edrea: Mate + Typography
Edrea: Then
Edrea: Spotlights
Edrea: YEAH!