Lietmotiv: Sara and Scott on the Bus
Lietmotiv: Kevin and Sarah on the bus
Lietmotiv: On the way to Temara
Lietmotiv: Interesting home in Morocco
Lietmotiv: IMG_2606
Lietmotiv: on way to Temara
Lietmotiv: road sign
Lietmotiv: Resdential area in Temara
Lietmotiv: The signing never ceases
Lietmotiv: Mint Tea
Lietmotiv: Britta and Mary
Lietmotiv: Both Couples getting Henna
Lietmotiv: Manal holding up the Henna to dry
Lietmotiv: Fancy Feet
Lietmotiv: Madiha and Steve
Lietmotiv: Nate and Manal
Lietmotiv: Madiha and Steve 2 hours later
Lietmotiv: Other party Guests getting henna
Lietmotiv: Britta flashing gang signs
Lietmotiv: Mary's Henna
Lietmotiv: Mary's henna
Lietmotiv: Sarah and Mary
Lietmotiv: Salad Dish appetizer and odd black cloud in left corner
Lietmotiv: Chicken or poulet en france
Lietmotiv: Mary had a little ...
Lietmotiv: Wash your hands
Lietmotiv: Walkway at Hotel Kasbah
Lietmotiv: Platinum Discoteque
Lietmotiv: Waiting for the bus
Lietmotiv: Cool truck