EdnaZ: sight of bridge to Malaysia
EdnaZ: strait between Malaysia and Singapore
EdnaZ: Times Square Malaysia celebrating Deepavali
EdnaZ: Indian music performers
EdnaZ: streets of KL, on way to dinner
EdnaZ: search for dinner
EdnaZ: streets of KL
EdnaZ: wire artist
EdnaZ: street signs of KL
EdnaZ: streets of KL
EdnaZ: Bintang Walk, KL
EdnaZ: McDonald's ad at Bukit Bintang
EdnaZ: that famous Hong Kong chubby singer dude on the cube
EdnaZ: I miss crazy traffic
EdnaZ: hawkers on the street
EdnaZ: streets of KL
EdnaZ: Pavilion, a massive mall
EdnaZ: fountain outside the Pavilion
EdnaZ: M-IFW
EdnaZ: nothing classes up a fancy car like a "McDonalds VIP" sticker
EdnaZ: streets of KL
EdnaZ: crowd gathering for the Storm Troopers
EdnaZ: Storm Troopers
EdnaZ: searching for dinner
EdnaZ: open kitchen on the street
EdnaZ: dried meats and jerky
EdnaZ: woman cooking up dinner
EdnaZ: on food street
EdnaZ: food street, KL
EdnaZ: food street, KL