EdnaZ: horses
EdnaZ: beach
EdnaZ: mild mild wave
EdnaZ: some lads running back out
EdnaZ: wispy clouds
EdnaZ: beach bums
EdnaZ: such visibility!
EdnaZ: abandoned park
EdnaZ: ocean gazing
EdnaZ: lads running in
EdnaZ: wonderfully beautiful day
EdnaZ: Xinghai Sq in the distance
EdnaZ: just a day at the beach
EdnaZ: welcome to Xinghai Beach
EdnaZ: welcome statue?
EdnaZ: modernity
EdnaZ: davos mural
EdnaZ: no tractors please
EdnaZ: Xinghai apartment complex
EdnaZ: center of Xinghai apartments
EdnaZ: apts entrance
EdnaZ: Idea Park
EdnaZ: bus depot at Heping Square
EdnaZ: obnoxious sign
EdnaZ: random flora outside my apt complex
EdnaZ: construction
EdnaZ: between the Sq and the Beach
EdnaZ: blue skies
EdnaZ: 202 tram line
EdnaZ: respecting what?