edmundyeo: Cheerleaders at Hei-an Shrine
edmundyeo: Heian Shrine
edmundyeo: Tourist taking photo with cute cosplayer at Heian Shrine
edmundyeo: Cosplayer girl at Heian Shrine
edmundyeo: Cosplayers surrounded by tourists at Heian Shrine
edmundyeo: Cosplayers at Heian Shrine
edmundyeo: Cheerleaders spreading Kyoto love
edmundyeo: Mascots of Kyoto
edmundyeo: Ginkaku-ji is closed
edmundyeo: Ticket for "Reading Cinema, Finding Words: Art After Marcel Broodthaers" exhibition at Kyoto National Museum of Modern Art
edmundyeo: Kyoto Tower at night
edmundyeo: Water flows in Honen-in Temple
edmundyeo: Bamboos and trees
edmundyeo: Entering Ginkakuji Temple
edmundyeo: The famous sand garden, Ginshadan
edmundyeo: Togudo, a national treasure
edmundyeo: Kannonden peeking behind the trees
edmundyeo: Bamboo forest
edmundyeo: Walking up the hill behind Ginkakuji
edmundyeo: View of Ginkakuji from top of the hill
edmundyeo: Leaving Ginkakuji
edmundyeo: Sanmon Gate, main entrance of Honen-in Temple
edmundyeo: Honen-in Temple
edmundyeo: Jizo-do, a cave for Jizo Buddhist image.
edmundyeo: A man walking his dog
edmundyeo: Old dilapidated sign of Nyakuoji