edk7: Constructed greenhouse/shed, Nomadic Community Gardens, Shoreditch, London E1 ..
edk7: Ethiopian Imperial three-tiered gold crown, c1745 - Victoria and Albert Museum, London..
edk7: Norman tympanum, c1120 - Great West Door, Rochester Cathedral, Rochester, Kent, England ..
edk7: Quire, Early English Gothic, c1200 - Rochester Cathedral, Rochester, Kent, England ..
edk7: 'Wheel of Fortune' Medieval painting - quire, Rochester Cathedral, Rochester, Kent, England..
edk7: Prior's Door Norman tympanum, c1135 - Ely Cathedral, Ely, Cambridgeshire, England..
edk7: Jagdpanther - German WWII tank destroyer, 1944 - Imperial War Museum, Duxford, England.
edk7: Design Museum, Kensington, London W8..
edk7: Crowdsourced iconic designs wall - Design Museum, Kensington, London W8..
edk7: Design Museum, Kensington, London W8..
edk7: Octagonal glazed timber lantern, 14thC - central tower, Ely Cathedral, Ely, Cambridgeshire, England..
edk7: Great octagonal crossing, 14thC - Ely Cathedral, Ely, Cambridgeshire, England ..
edk7: London Underground Canary Wharf Station, docklands, Isle of Dogs, London E14..
edk7: Wall art with yellow bike, Shoreditch, London E1.
edk7: Conservation wood framing, Great Eastern Railway stables, 1888 - Quaker Street, Shoreditch, London E1.
edk7: Wall art, Shoreditch, London E1.
edk7: Cleopatra confronts nature's lethal powers - Tate Britain art gallery, London SW1..
edk7: Millbank, London SW1 ..
edk7: Temple underground station platform, London WC2.
edk7: Reflecting on the V&A ..
edk7: 'Unto This Last' bespoke furniture workshop - Brick Lane, Shoreditch/Hoxton, London E2.
edk7: 'Unto This Last' bespoke furniture workshop - Brick Lane, Shoreditch/Hoxton, London E2..
edk7: Royal Navy (former) Land Rover Series IIA Lightweight - Brick Lane, Shoreditch, London E2..
edk7: Hurley House, Boundary Estate, c1900 - Arnold Circus, Tower Hamlets, London E2..
edk7: The Forge, Millwall Iron Works, C. J. Mare & Co., 1860 - Isle of Dogs, Tower Hamlets, London E14..
edk7: Overhead travelling electrics - The Vaughan Crane Co. Ltd., Manchester, c1900 - Millwall, London E14 ..
edk7: Carthusian Priory great cloister, c1370 - The Charterhouse, Smithfield, London EC1..
edk7: Master's Court and Great Hall, Sir Edward (Lord) North, c1550 - The Charterhouse, London EC1..
edk7: Patriotic stilt walkers - Feast of St George, Trafalgar Square, London.
edk7: New Esperance women’s morris dancing team - Feast of St George, Trafalgar Square, London.