editrix: Watch cat
editrix: Theo
editrix: Theo stretching
editrix: Puss 'n' booties
editrix: Late afternoon with cat and booties
editrix: Theo
editrix: Theo
editrix: Theo
editrix: Theo
editrix: Hurr hurr hurr
editrix: Nap cat
editrix: Redcat
editrix: Theo with robot
editrix: Sniff
editrix: Psst
editrix: Robot love
editrix: Paws up!
editrix: Sooo comfterbuls!
editrix: Lord Nappingham
editrix: Diving in
editrix: Sizing up
editrix: Fur hat/Chessie cat
editrix: Tucked-in
editrix: Stretchy
editrix: camoflage
editrix: Is my skirt nao