Editor B: Half Pagan Debut
Editor B: Editor B Sings
Editor B: Dr. Homan Plays Guitar
Editor B: Half Pagan Logo
Editor B: Lamentations Album Cover
Editor B: Logo Detail Variation
Editor B: Logo Detail
Editor B: Logo Screenshot
Editor B: Working on a Logo
Editor B: Lamentations
Editor B: Half Pagan Vernal Equinox 2018
Editor B: Half Pagan Vernal Equinox 2018
Editor B: Lamentations Review
Editor B: Editor B Sings
Editor B: Dr. Homan Plays
Editor B: Half Pagan Live on WTUL
Editor B: Cello & Guitar
Editor B: Serpentina and Editor B
Editor B: Kalypso on Cello
Editor B: Mike on Bass
Editor B: Still Life with Pomegranate
Editor B: The Low End
Editor B: Dr. Homan on Guitar
Editor B: Half Pagan Summer Solstice Flyer on Display
Editor B: Half Pagan Summer Solstice Flyer
Editor B: Let It Blur
Editor B: Half Pagan at WWOZ
Editor B: Half Pagan with DJ Brice Nice at WWOZ
Editor B: Half Pagan Looking Very Serious at WWOZ
Editor B: Half Pagan in Good Company on WWOZ