Editor B: Reflection
Editor B: Meet the Teacher Night
Editor B: Circle
Editor B: Sandbox
Editor B: Morris Jeff & Persephone
Editor B: Morning Meeting
Editor B: Reflection
Editor B: First Day
Editor B: Actual Size Head!
Editor B: Sheaf
Editor B: Persephone with Wheat
Editor B: Stalks of Wheat
Editor B: Stalks of Wheat
Editor B: Stalks of Wheat
Editor B: Stalks of Wheat
Editor B: Harvesting
Editor B: Flour
Editor B: Loaf
Editor B: Slicing the Bread
Editor B: Corn Dollies
Editor B: After the Lesson
Editor B: Used Band-Aids
Editor B: Bake Sale
Editor B: Setting Up
Editor B: Frances & the Globe
Editor B: Great-Granddaughter
Editor B: DSC01070
Editor B: Passing Frances
Editor B: Kolaches
Editor B: Story