Editor B: Happy May Day
Editor B: Duct Tape on the May Pole
Editor B: Cucumber Mint Gimlet
Editor B: Daisy
Editor B: May Day Tea Party
Editor B: Stirring
Editor B: Maypole — Getting Ready
Editor B: Maypole
Editor B: Maypole Chaos
Editor B: Maypole Chaos
Editor B: Winding Down
Editor B: May Horn
Editor B: Look Out, Girls
Editor B: Matching
Editor B: Therese
Editor B: Wreath
Editor B: Happy May Day
Editor B: May Day
Editor B: Sweet Woodruff
Editor B: Persephone & Maypole
Editor B: Maypole Peacock
Editor B: Maypole
Editor B: Pattern
Editor B: Anarchy Flowers
Editor B: Ready
Editor B: Round
Editor B: Skip Around the Maypole
Editor B: And Around
Editor B: Wound Up
Editor B: Maypole Panorama