a tide: DSC07643
a tide: DSC07659
a tide: leaving
a tide: flying south
a tide: DSC07927
a tide: DSC07934
a tide: no names for anything
a tide: DSC07939
a tide: Sketch in October
a tide: yours the leafy beauty that the trees are dispensing with.
a tide: leaves (...) take their time in bidding the tree farewell
a tide: DSC07944
a tide: DSC07946
a tide: a place of seclusion
a tide: DSC07949
a tide: And so I move without knowing/ to which world I’ll be returning /or if I’ll go on living.
a tide: If you find yourself alone…
a tide: as if autumn had written us a long letter, changed its mind, and tore it into little scraps.
a tide: orange
a tide: All things pass /A sunrise does not last all morning
a tide: the month changes its color
a tide: Dry autumn leaves revolved in your soul.
a tide: Fiesta's End
a tide: all of yesterday dropped away among the fingers of the light
a tide: DSC07964
a tide: DSC07965
a tide: DSC07966
a tide: DSC07970
a tide: DSC07971
a tide: autumn path