edhume3: Maury and his 15" swing LeBlond Lathe
edhume3: Maury's 13" swing Clausing lathe
edhume3: Automation Direct 3 phase power converter on the Clausing lathe
edhume3: Wall mounted lathe tool storage for quick change post tools
edhume3: Cutting tool storage rack
edhume3: CNC mill
edhume3: CNC mill - notice the Z axis counterweight
edhume3: Maury at the assembly bench
edhume3: D30_1574
edhume3: Maury's first engine project - Little Kathy from Tiny Power
edhume3: D30_1576
edhume3: Baker Ball Hopper Engine model on the left
edhume3: Marion 25 engine model
edhume3: Maury and fly wheel casting patterns
edhume3: Fly wheel casting patterns of cherry wood
edhume3: Flywheels
edhume3: Flywheel pattern and frame
edhume3: Screening new sand for the first layer next to the pattern
edhume3: Tamping used sand into the pattern box
edhume3: Packing sand into the casting box
edhume3: Ready to flip the casting mold
edhume3: D30_1596
edhume3: Reverse side of mold is packed with sand
edhume3: Uh-oh - sand has failed to cohere for the wheel pattern
edhume3: Removing the wood mold frame
edhume3: Positioning a metal casting frame
edhume3: Molds ready for pouring
edhume3: Maury's shop made propane furnace
edhume3: bronze scrap in the crucible
edhume3: Lighting the propane flame