edhiker: NetFlex Webcam
edhiker: Ten Dollar Auto-Guider
edhiker: SN6 and PHD Guide Camera
edhiker: Autoguider Comparison
edhiker: PHD Guiding software tested - 10min result
edhiker: PHD Guiding test
edhiker: First shot with PHD guiding software, M38, NGC1907
edhiker: Autoguider working ok, wants mag 3-6
edhiker: Pictor Autoguide Flow Chart
edhiker: Pictor 216XT Stand Alone Autoguider Testing
edhiker: Autoguider testing, closeup
edhiker: M42, unguided, not polar aligned, 8 min shot
edhiker: M42 with 50mm FL guiding scope, 8 min shot, not polar aligned
edhiker: PHD guide software and 50 mm FL guide scope
edhiker: Ed's Autoguider using a 50 mm FL lens
edhiker: Ed's Autoguider with 170 mm FL lens
edhiker: 2 inch guide scope and camera on adjustable platform
edhiker: DEC Calibration backwards? - South corrections get longer on PHD as time goes by...
edhiker: Guide camera on an off-axis pickoff with DSLR
edhiker: Guide camera on an off-axis pickoff - short
edhiker: Autoguide better in RA
edhiker: M51, 8 min exposure from Los Angeles
edhiker: Par-focalized off-axis guider and guide camera
edhiker: PHD DEC drift due to gear or motor "backlash"
edhiker: Motor control - autoguide
edhiker: Alpheratz 600sec un-guided and guided
edhiker: Autoguider X-Y adjuster and star finder
edhiker: Guiding on Mag 8.3 (SAO132311,) for M42 captures
edhiker: RadioShack Webcam
edhiker: Autoguiding the SSCT - two ways