edhiker: HPIM4854_RoRCrS_Scottys_Trailer
edhiker: Time Stands Still in Death Valley
edhiker: Guns
edhiker: Death on the Rim
edhiker: Pimple on the Earth
edhiker: Scotty's Water runs a turbine for electricity
edhiker: Spring
edhiker: Borax Wheels
edhiker: Scotty's Castle, long view
edhiker: Scotty's Castle Living Room
edhiker: Johnson's Music Room and Organ Pipes - Scotty's Castle
edhiker: Castle was Bessie Johnson's 2nd home
edhiker: Scotty's Castle History
edhiker: Scotty's Story
edhiker: Las Vegas Light Pollution at 110 miles
edhiker: Room #4
edhiker: Death Valley Caterpillar (Sphinx Moth larva)
edhiker: Caterpillar, side view
edhiker: Walking the Dunes
edhiker: Big Dune Approach
edhiker: Dune Top Achieved
edhiker: Trackless Dunes
edhiker: Elaine Makes Tracks on Trackless Dune
edhiker: Parched throat Elaine breaks into a run when she sees this.
edhiker: Top Dune and Elaine Wants Higher
edhiker: Crust
edhiker: Smooth polish in Mosaic Canyon
edhiker: And another Canyon Waterfall needed climbing
edhiker: Mosaic Canyon Waterfall needed climbing
edhiker: Mosaic Canyon