edgeplot: Paper Lanterns
edgeplot: The sun, as seen from southeastern Seattle in the early afternoon.
edgeplot: Grafitto, Discovery Park, Seattle
edgeplot: Sunset Lighthouse Selfie at Discovery Park, Seattle
edgeplot: Begonia 'Little Brother Montgomery'
edgeplot: Bud drop on Grevillea victoriae
edgeplot: Orange horned poppy (Glaucium flavum var. aurantiacum) and blanket flower (Gaillardia x grandiflora 'Kobold')
edgeplot: Night Blooming, a sculpture at Bellevue Botanical Gardens made of salvaged lumber
edgeplot: Cornflower in Pollinator Garden
edgeplot: Diplacus (formerly Mimulus) cv.
edgeplot: Rotheca myricoides
edgeplot: Eryngium pandanifolium and Dasylirion wheeleri
edgeplot: Calla
edgeplot: Arctostaphylos
edgeplot: Huge Agave ovatifolia in a private garden in Portland, Oregon
edgeplot: Campsis x tagliabuana 'Madame Galen'
edgeplot: Bloody Mary and Fried Smelt at Coastal Kitchen in Seattle
edgeplot: Vegetarian (foreground) and Chicken Cheesesteaks at The Original Philly's in Seattle
edgeplot: Chicken Fajitas at El Sombrero in Seattle
edgeplot: Smoked Salmon Piroshki from Piroshki on Third in Seattle
edgeplot: "Cheesey Gritty Bitch" biscuit with egg, grits, cheese, and vegan mushroom gravy from Biscuit Bitch in Seattle
edgeplot: Kokedama
edgeplot: Agave & Succulent Collection
edgeplot: Sunny Border
edgeplot: Aloiampelos striatula
edgeplot: Toutons
edgeplot: Spring '04 vs. Spring '20
edgeplot: Mahonia sp. secondary flush
edgeplot: Entry Arbor
edgeplot: Summer Border