ericedge2000: Pursuit up the line
ericedge2000: Incoming defender
ericedge2000: Jendy shot
ericedge2000: Focused on the ball
ericedge2000: Mackenzie heading up the field
ericedge2000: Mackenzie challenging for the ball
ericedge2000: Mackenzie power
ericedge2000: Elizabeth footwork
ericedge2000: Looking to pass
ericedge2000: Elizabeth centers the ball
ericedge2000: Jendy stretching
ericedge2000: Maya boot on the ball
ericedge2000: Controlling the ball
ericedge2000: Jendy full speed
ericedge2000: Maya running to the ball
ericedge2000: Elizabeth high trap
ericedge2000: Jendy changing directions
ericedge2000: Adri heading up field
ericedge2000: Crossing ball
ericedge2000: Maddie turning up field
ericedge2000: Maddie keeping the ball in play
ericedge2000: Shoulder to shoulder
ericedge2000: Shoulder to shoulder 2
ericedge2000: Cutting behind the D
ericedge2000: Jendy turning inside
ericedge2000: Jendy breakaway
ericedge2000: Jendy dribbling