edgehill: Green landscape in winter, vicinity of Parkfield Grade above Coalinga
edgehill: Green landscape in winter, vicinity of Parkfield Grade above Coalinga
edgehill: First wildflower-covered hillsides of the year, yellow (Madia???) vicinity of Parkfield Grade above Coalinga
edgehill: Aline Highway green landscape in winter with cattle
edgehill: Aline Highway green landscape in winter
edgehill: Aline Highway green landscape in winter
edgehill: Quercus - Oak with Pinnacles backdrop
edgehill: Plagiobothrys canescens -Valley Popcornflower
edgehill: Plagiobothrys canescens -Valley Popcornflower
edgehill: Dodecatheon - Shooting Star
edgehill: Solanum umbelliferum - Blue Witch
edgehill: Arctostaphylos glauca - Bigberry Manzanita
edgehill: Arctostaphylos glauca - Bigberry Manzanita
edgehill: Arctostaphylos glauca - Bigberry Manzanita
edgehill: Arctostaphylos glauca - Bigberry Manzanita
edgehill: Arctostaphylos glauca - Bigberry Manzanita, in tree form
edgehill: Gallium californicum -California Bedstraw
edgehill: Selaginella bigelovii Spike Moss
edgehill: Castilleja foliolosa - Wooly Indian Paintbrush
edgehill: Castilleja foliolosa - Wooly Indian Paintbrush
edgehill: Castilleja foliolosa - Wooly Indian Paintbrush and Pellaea andromedifolia Coffee Fern
edgehill: Mossy rock with Miner's lettuce - Claytonia perfoliata
edgehill: Condor
edgehill: Condor, pinnacles and Pinus sabiniana - Gray Pine
edgehill: Pinus sabiniana - Gray Pine
edgehill: Woodpecker riddled Pinus sabiniana - Gray Pine
edgehill: Pinus sabiniana - Gray Pine with Mistletoe
edgehill: Old Park Service building
edgehill: Aline Highway bicyclists
edgehill: Farm along Cienega Road, Pacines, CA