Edge and corner wear: Alpine_Visitor_Center_Fall_River_Pass_CO
Edge and corner wear: Botanical_Gardens_Visitors_Center_Norfolk_VA
Edge and corner wear: Cabrillo_National_Monument_Visitor_Center_CA
Edge and corner wear: Canyon Visitor Center Yellowstone WY
Edge and corner wear: Carl Hayden Visitor Center Glen Canyon Dam AZ
Edge and corner wear: Observatory_Tower_Clingmans_Dome
Edge and corner wear: Clingmans_Dome_Tower_Great_Smoky
Edge and corner wear: Clingmans_Dome_Tower_Great_Smoky_Mountains
Edge and corner wear: Cyclorama Visitors Center Gettysburg PA
Edge and corner wear: Death_Valley_Visitor_Center_CA
Edge and corner wear: Dinosaur Natioal Monument Northeast UT
Edge and corner wear: Dinosaur_Quarry_Visitor_Center_UT
Edge and corner wear: Dinosaur_Quarry_Visitor_Center_UT
Edge and corner wear: Quarry_Visitor_Center_Dinosaur_National_Monument
Edge and corner wear: Quarry_Visitor_Center_stegosaurus_CO
Edge and corner wear: Dinosaur_State_Park_Rocky_Hill_
Edge and corner wear: Dinosaur_State_Park_Rocky_Hill_CT
Edge and corner wear: Dole Visitors Center Wahiawa HI
Edge and corner wear: Everglades_Visitors_Center_Flamingo_FL
Edge and corner wear: Statue of Franklin D Roosevelt at Grand Coulee Dam WA
Edge and corner wear: Florida Welcome Station
Edge and corner wear: Florida_Visitors_Center
Edge and corner wear: Florida_Welcome_Center_Havana_FL
Edge and corner wear: H. J. Heinz Company Pittsburgh PA
Edge and corner wear: Foodstuffs International Visitors Center Cincinnati OH
Edge and corner wear: Fort Sumter National Monument Charleston SC
Edge and corner wear: Fort_Caroline_Visitor_Center_Jacksonville_FL
Edge and corner wear: Gettysburg_National_Military_Park_Visitors_Center_Cyclorama_PA
Edge and corner wear: Glacier_National_Park_Visitors_Center_MT
Edge and corner wear: Glen Canyon Dam Visitor's Center AZ